Insurance agent's office 3 blocks from my apartment. After starting my Oregon insurance policy, I went over another 3 blocks to the bank to change my address with them. Great to see Marissa. It was my plan to get back to the apartment and catalog videotapes for capture and editing.
On the way, I saw Kyle Bagnall standing on the sidewalk and detoured to chat with him a minute. Happens that he was standing on the bit of sidewalk right in front of Slow Train, local coffeehouse. Saw Titus at the counter and stepped in to say hi and to feel the ambiance of the shop again, not having smelled that lovely coffee smell in at least a couple weeks.

photo by Darlene Taylor
Funny that I love the smell of coffee, although I don't drink coffee. I was joking with Ryan Williams the other day about things we love to smell whether or not we partake. Like cigars, and wine. I've had two cigars in my life. Loved 'em both, although it's not going to be a regular thing for me. Still, I do love the smell of a good cigar, or cherry tobacco in a pipe.
So we were laughing about making air-freshener fragrances out of these things, coffee, wine, cigar-smoke. The wine one, for example, wouldn't work so well in a car if you find yourself in conversation with the local police.
At any rate, I stepped into the shop to smell the coffee. And I've been meaning to resume conversation with the owner, Nick. Owed him a beer for about 4 years now.
It was a great 20 minutes. He's so passionate about this town. About the charm and style, about the abundance of artists, about the exquisite beauty of natural setting. Topics ranged through Scientology to Christian community to the power of transparent living. I learned a bit about the desperate realities of sex-trafficking in India.
Dropped off a copy of my first cd for Ryan so he could get it to his wife who might have a lead on a performance at Western Oregon University. Quick tea with Matt at Union Block on 3rd Street, then over to DMV to learn that a written test and $350 will get me an Oregon Driver's License and Registration.
Finally got to work on music around 4, about 3 hours later than planned. Entirely worth it to have accomplished errands and reunions, even some of them coincidental.
When I finally got around to hearing Scott's vocal compositions for Sweet Days, I was struck at his brilliance. It's a really great vocal backdrop that he's sketching here for this song. I instant-messaged him, "you're freaking brilliant, you know."
His response, "I'm brilliantly freakish..."
I don't think we're going to make cigar or wine-scented air-fresheners, and I can smell coffee anytime I visit with Nick. It's just fun to talk about.

photo by Darlene Taylor
Right now I'm in a room with 6 humans under the age of twelve, 2 dogs, a rabbit, and an assortment of adults. Beatrice wants to paint my nails. I have to go now.
Goodnight, Beautiful...
Goodnight, Strender
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