I had no idea how far Joelle and Kharla went to bat to secure the Laguna Niguel venue for us. I just found out they called the Pastor on a three-way conference call and shared values about this ministry and made a pretty convincing case for why this music would be of benefit to that community. Now that just makes me want to pour another 200% of my heart out for listeners and friends who support the way you guys do. Thank you.
Wanee asked, since I'm bringing Isaac and his wife down from Oregon to share with the CA listeners, would I need a place for them to stay? I love that you asked before I even thought to ask. Thank you.
So yes, this weekend I did my first on-camera reading for the role of Jonah the bus-driver in Pull Stop. It's fun. It's scary, too. I lost all my playfulness when the cameras came on. I was laughing and joking with Malia and Dawn most of the day, but when it was time to read on-camera, I became very serious and didn't smile much. Not a whole lot of goofy-Lennox on that footage.
I don't think the character Dawn wrote is all the way to goofy, but he's a little playful in this conversation with his passenger, and I have 6 months to be sufficiently comfortable around cameras so I can portray that guy.
Best part? I'm thoroughly excited at the challenge and opportunity!!! I loved it!! I mean, really, I can't wait to do this.
Didn't make it to see Leroy Critcher Saturday night, but another time. Going to Isaac's EP release concert at the Hawthorne in Portland this coming Sunday. I'm actually operating one of the video cameras. Just met his drummer Anthony yesterday. Really cool dude, and monster drummer, by all reports. I'll experience first-hand shortly.
I'll post a clip from Isaac's concert on my youtube Sunday night when I get back, or maybe Monday night, because now that I think about it, I'll need some time to secure the audio from the live recording.
I've been thinking about the difference between power possessed and power expressed. Generally speaking we value power expressed and regard power possessed as weakness. The measure of power is in affecting circumstance, in making people do what you want. What of the quiet power that frees choice--isn't that stronger still?
I think about the proclamation that the meek are blessed, and wonder how often we mistake deliberate peace for weakness. Do we simply assume that all who are not exercising power, simply have none?
Are we strong enough to be tender? If it's power we want, would it take more or less of it to lay aside pride? Which choice requires more strength?
I'm full of questions right now.
Maybe I'll sleep it off.
Goodnight, Beautiful...
Goodnight, Strender
See you all in a month!!