
363---Give me weights

I was easily entertained as a child. I could sit and watch leaves for hours. I still can. I don't get bored often. I hear people talk about getting bored and I feel left out. Like there's  a coolness I'm missing out on because I'm not smart enough to be bored like the rest. 

Today began with a prayer phone call. One of The Nine is praying with me for 10 days about what direction to take next. What is God's plan for our lives? How will we know His will? How will She reveal?

On myspace I use the headline: I asked God for muscles; he gave me weights. Often when we ask God for something, instead of receiving the thing itself, we are given means and opportunity to develop that thing in our lives. 

Like, whatever you do, don't pray for patience. I'm just sayin'...

So anyway, sometimes I alternate that headline between 'he' and 'she,' as in... 
"she gave me weights." 

A year ago I was invited to make music at a church. And then suddenly uninvited. Turns out someone at the church visited my Myspace and on that day the headline read, "I asked God for muscles, she gave me weights."

I didn't get to play music to that group because it troubled someone that maybe I think of God as female. Which I don't. But neither do I think of God as male. If we are created both male and female in God's image, then wouldn't it stand to reason that God is at least both, and possibly some kind of summary whole greater than even the component genders? 

I have no idea why I'm telling you this. I decided that in this blog I won't edit. As much. Leslie says we're always editing, no matter what. 

Tough questions surface. Did God really promise to restore my marriage? If He did, why do I doubt sometimes? The fact of circumstance is that my beloved is not even slightly interested in a future with me. 

You know when I do get bored? Meetings. I hate meetings. I should say I hate large group meetings. I like small, intimate gatherings. One on one conversation is an absolute treat for me. Family dinner warms my heart.

I think people find me boring. One of my dearest friends said recently, 
"all you talk about is God or Suzanne or music!"

Well, that's true, but that's cause they're in everything.  

Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. 

Goodnight, Beautiful...
Goodnight, Strender.


  1. I agree that if we were made in God's image, than that means man and woman together equal God's image...I just tend to refer to God as male, not because of society in general, but because God designed the male do lead, and to be followed. And that is how He wants us to relate to Him: He leads, we follow. If we were to follow the female, than we would get it wrong...Men stand up for and hold up the woman. Not the other way around. I think that's why God always refers to Himself as a He. It's to help our perception of Him in this life, where we can't fully understand the completeness that is God.

    Eph. 5:22-33 (emphasis on vv. 31 & 32)

    God Bless,

  2. "On myspace I use the headline: I asked God for muscles; he gave me weights. Often when we ask God for something, instead of receiving the thing itself, we are given means and opportunity to develop that thing in our lives."

    You know, once the soreness wears off, I find that lifting weights is very fulfilling. You are very correct about asking for patience; that and humility, I think have been the heaviest for me.
