
208--Hollywood, again

I looked out the front glass windows and saw Dennis getting something out of the car. So I walked out to the parking lot to say hello.

Hugs..."Good to see you"

It felt so natural, it was like I'd seen him yesterday. That's one of the things I've learned about love and relationship. You let people in your heart, they become a part of your soul, defiant of space or time.

Earlier today I heard Commander Blake Chow of the LAPD deliver the keynote speech at a luncheon mixer for the Los Angeles City Employees Asian American Association. I was there as Wanee's guest. Can I just tell you, Wanee is an amazing host!!!! She took me to lunch at that mixer. Then she befriended my band and took them to dinner. Now we're all crashed out at her place, just had tea and everyone's dozing off. She really, really hooked up my crew and I appreciate it so much.

There are some people I just simply cannot accomplish my mission without. Wanee is one of them. Darlene is another. I love it that the assignment has now grown way larger than one person can manage. Darlene takes phenomenal photographs and posts them where people can see them. Makes me look good.

Topher is working on the new website. The guy is brilliant and, O so creative. Isaac's guitar licks and Anthony's rhythm chops are going to treat our audience to some happy healthy funkliciousness night after tomorrow. The last couple weeks General's been such a support to me. I mean, it takes a lot to accomplish the tasks at hand, but God also provides so many amazing people who make it happen. Thanks to all of you...

photo by Leslie Foster

Good rehearsal tonight, late night with Isaac, Anthony, Daniel, Keaver and Maria. Much appreciation to Amelia and Hannah and Wanee for just hanging out while we worked on the music. Little things like presence and support make the world of difference to us.

Brian couldn't make it tonight but we're gonna get together and do a long sound check on Saturday afternoon. We were thinking of getting there a bit early to set up sound after potluck.

I should go to bed, but I'm all wound up now and can't sleep.

I'm gonna try.

Goodnight, Beautiful...
Goodnight, Strender

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