
203--Misty Afternoon

Sun never actually made it out. I picked up Chloe, Jim and Penny's Chocolate Lab Retriever, took her and Vegas to Stuart Grenfeld park for an hour. I think I'm gonna have to take Vegas out by himself from now on. When he goes out with the young dogs, he tries to keep up and outrun them, but then he's hurting and limping the rest of the day and the next day. I gotta face it, my dog's old. See, I always wanted to be old, but I wanted my dog to stay young.

I gave my first guitar lesson today, ever. That was fun. There will be more of that. Had a coaching client also. It's funny what I consider a slow day now. ONLY 5 appointments today. Took my sweet time cooking and I do love to cook. I love the way people relate in the kitchen. Food is a rather sensual, spiritual practice, and I got to enjoy that today. Refreshing.

Stopped by the High Rack, picked out three shirts, all green.

Now I'm sitting at Union Block Coffee on 3rd street, having a cup of mint tea with honey. Outside on the corner, John Walker and Hudson McCarty are taking turns on John's guitar, playing tunes for whomever should stop to listen.

I stopped three songs worth, Tainted Love, a song I hadn't heard by the Kinks and a Dylan tune I also don't know the name of, but it was a great experience on a chill day. I learned a new strum watching John play. He's got this hammer-on thing on his upstroke. Cool!

John Mayer on the stereo, just got in a conversation with Sam the barista, excited to share that I'll be hearing John Mayer with Michael Franti at Staples Center next month. Yeah, I'm looking forward to that.

Music all around. Stop and listen.

Gonna read some now. Meeting Stevie in 40 minutes...

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