The Lord is my shepherd, I got what I need. He maketh me lie down, cause I just can't seem to figure that part out unless He MAKETH me.
Is it possible? Am I finally learning to lie down when He "telleth" me before He has to "maketh" me?
Zoe told me, and it stuck in my head, that I was trying to live 20 lives in one lifetime. Coming home, I'm moving just as fast as before, if not faster, but now there's a single direction to all this motion. It's one life, fast-paced, productive, led and not longer driven. It's one life.
He leadeth me beside still waters.
Yesterday afternoon, Topher and I got back to town, dropped off the grocery bags we'd picked up at Trader Joe's, piled into Metilla (my car) with Vegas (my dog) and set off for Stuart Grenfeld park:
This is a mile from my front door!
photo by Topher Bernards
Basically, during a concert, somehow the Holy Spirit channels through and there's a sustained power surge that leaves me pretty much running on empty. For that reason I'm extremely tired and vulnerable afterwards and I retire to be with my boys. There were three of The Nine at Saturday night's concert and they know how to circle up and provide extra cover following a power transference.
He restoreth my soul. That's what I'm thinking right there, leaning against that tree 16 hours after a concert. To restore is to return to original condition. To refurbish. To replace what was drained in the proceedings of the night before.
As I'm leaning against this tree, I'm thinking about restoration, and it occurs to me, when He restores Job, he doesn't take him back to original condition. He takes him way past that, way higher. It turns out that Job's latter days are much more abundant than his former days.
He leadeth me. Beside still water. He restoreth my soul. Better than it was to begin with.
Goodnight, Beautiful...
Goodnight, Strender
Beautiful place..