First time visiting Joshua Tree national park. Impressive, beautifully desolate. I love trees, you know I love trees, but I didn't know there are rock mountains there. Loved the rocks!! Climbed up a few boulders and hiked a couple trails. Forty-seven degrees is not part of my conditioning, but one willingly trades air temperatures for a day of such beauty.

Heard hours and hours of new (to me) music this weekend. Vanessa Carlton, Michael Buble, Norah Jones, Rob Thomas, Pomplamoose, Marie Digby, Madonna, Jack Johnson, Susanna Hoffs, Tears for Fears...
I love input weekends.
On the drive back from the park, I'm thinking about logistics for performing, recording, and distributing music in 2010. We just finished two more songs at the red room over at Melrose Music: State of Compromise and Seize The Moments.
I'm going to spend a few minutes working on my profile page at Reverbnation--start inviting you to join as fans so I send out update emails and keep you posted on developments in the music. So far I've been sending updates through my regular gmail account and I think that has reached it's limit.
I'm feeling lonely, though finer company I could never find. I'm sequestered with Zoe, Dulce and Mark for some family time this weekend. I feel lonely often but it's just a low-hum in the back of my mind and not a full-blown sadness. A headline from "Too Soon Old, Too Late Smart" comes to mind: Unrequited love is painful, but not romantic.
Ain't nothing romantic about loneliness. It's just tiring and difficult. Last thing I want to do is pay homage to the patron saint of hopeless romance.
I have about 4 days worth of unchecked messages on my voicemail. I'm deeply honored that so many people are calling to connect in the last couple of weeks before I travel. I am so sorry if I haven't been able to connect with you or if I haven't returned your call. I do love you very much. This weekend I stole away, got out of town, went to the desert.
I've been thinking about n0t having a cellphone when I leave Los Angeles. Just use the internet as my primary tool of communication. Scott suggested an option:
Speaking of Scott, he sent me an mp3 of ideas for vocal arrangements on Days Of Rain. I haven't listened yet. I'll do that tonight.
Rest is still one of the main rhythms I'm building into my life. It's time to do fewer things with greater excellence. It's time for fine-tuning and accountability. I know I need sleep. Nobody made me stay up watching tv until 4 this morning. That was my choice and my health bears the consequence. We have a concert next Saturday evening. I need to be strong, rested, rid of this cold.
Well, I definitely want to get mp3s to Brian and David tonight, so I'm going to work.
Goodnight, Beautiful...
Goodnight, Strender
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