One of the remaining tasks is to make lunch for the next three days and refrigerate so I don't have to buy a $5 footlong every time, thus saving money for necessaries like the $2.50 wine glasses I picked up at Pier One today. Everyone knows things taste better in a wine glass.
Tonight's game beverage was Sorrel, you may know it as Jamaica, a sweetened iced-tea brewed from seed pod casings of a hibiscus relative. Takes a fair bit of sugar to do it right. Having not had sugar in it's overt form for quite some time, I felt no guilt at all serving this sweetened reminder of my time at home last year.
Staying off alcohol hasn't been a problem so far--that's cause I didn't drink often or much to begin with. I made something with chicken for my lunches, because I seem to have lost a little muscle in the time since I quit meat, and maybe I'm just being picky, but it's not like I have space for losing, you know what I mean?
So I'm sitting here, lunch cooling on the stovetop, one task remains, 30 minutes to bedtime. Correction, 26 minutes to bedtime.
I promised Wanee I would record James chapter one for her this weekend. That meant I'd have to unpack my studio and set it up and get it ready for a recording. Did that. Equipment out of boxes and set up as a workstation. Now, though, I'm out of energy.
What's going through my mind isn't guilt. It's gratitude. Wanee has done so much for me. There are some people without whom this life I believe I'm called to, would be further past impossible. It's impossible to be sure, but because of people like Wanee, I begin to believe that the power of WE can achieve what I cannot.
When I play a show in LA, she invites and insists on my band/crew staying at her place. She feeds us and takes us around and basically provides a level of care we couldn't buy even if there was budget for that item.
This is Wanee and Libby hunting and gathering in Hollywood last time we were down.
I'm working on a recording of In The City, Aaron Beaumont on piano, Anthony DiRocco on drums, vocals and electric guitar remaining to be tracked. I'm very excited about this recording. Would not have been possible without Wanee's monthly support of this ministry. And even more important, with a well-timed prayer, text, or other word of encouragement, she reminds me that this is a compared to a country escape (never mind the trees).
So now, 8 minutes to bedtime, do I summon the energy to record James chapter one for Wanee, and sleep a little less before the schlep begins tomorrow?
please!!!! like it was even a question!!
Reminds me of Romans 12:1 ... So when you think about all that's been given for you, giving yourself is about the least you can do (LRV, Lennox Revised Version).
1 minute past bedtime...
Fire up the workstation, we gots us some scriptures to read.
Thanks Lennox for remembering "pick a chapter" and thanks for your ministry of putting the Word into music, and for the lives you have touched..