Three solid meals today. That shouldn't be noteworthy, but it is.
I eat functionally, because I have to. It's inconvenient. I'm working here. There are things to be done and then I look up and it's 2 O'clock and I should have eaten a couple hours ago.
I love to cook--with people. I don't cook when it's just me. When it's just me, cereal and soymilk will do. With Scott this morning, breakfast of potatoes and eggs and sausage and tomato sauce, and pomegranate blueberry juice.
For one thing, cooking takes too long. I don't want to spend that much time making food I'm going to eat by myself. What's that about? I cooked lunch with Leslie and didn't mind that it took an hour. Went to dinner with Wanee and was suprised two hours later that it was two hours later. Food is a team sport.
I don't know what you believe about spiritual warfare, but it's another topic that intrigues me. A couple months ago, about to embark on a long flight, I thought I'd like to learn a little on the topic. Prayed about it, and felt directed to the book of Daniel.
I get there and start at chapter one, but that's just preamble about diet and food and fruits and vegetables. So I jump over to chapter two where the real action begins--you know, kings and dreams and mysteries.
If you've had that gentle tug in your spirit, you know it when it comes.
"Go back to chapter one"
Ok, sure, but what's the big deal? This is just that boring stuff about food. I want to learn about spiritual warfare.
"I know, start at chapter one."
Sometimes the gentle tug is a bit more insistent. Whatever...I'll breeze through this so I can get to the real deal and..... done! Chapter two, here we go.
"Read chapter one again"
Ok, what is this about? What am I missing?
I felt like Daniel. Not the one in my book, the one apprenticed to Mr. Myagi, confused as to why I'm wasting time painting a fence when I want to learn to fight.
Back to chapter one...
"You want to learn about spiritual warfare. That's what this is. Your spirit, your mind, your emotions, are all sustained in your body. If your body is defeated, your enemy wins by default. It won't matter if you lose to deceit or dehydration, entrapment or exhaustion."
Friends, thank you for eating with me today.
Debra used to say: "If you don't take care of your body, where you gonna live?"
Goodnight, Beautiful...
Goodnight, Strender.
Thank YOU for your company. It definitely made a meal taste much better!