
47--Off to a good start

Jonathan and I usually have breakfast on Thursday mornings. Lately though, since he got the new job, we haven't been able to meet because of the schedule change. This morning we met 15 minutes for super quick catch-up and prayer. You know what? It was only 15 minutes, but a great start to my day.

Then tea with Jeff Ashlock at Slow Train (Nick Walton's place). Jeff pours so much love and energy into our little town. I am looking forward to more conversation with that guy. Our Annual Mud Drags? He's the coordinator. Director of the local Boy Scouts. Runs a successful business here in town. Husband. Father. Yeah, I'm all over spending more time with that guy. Great start to my day.

Now off to spend an hour with another brilliant Sheridan creative.

Air temperature in the 70's, sunshine all around.

We're off to a great start...

Good morning, Beautiful
Good morning, Strender, and thank you

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