I laughed until my face hurt. Dawn drove, I rode shotgun, Josh and Ami in the backseat. By the time we drove onto Wheatland Ferry, I had decided Josh might be one of the funniest guys I've met. Non-stop irreverence. I found myself laughing and then immediately feeling bad for thinking that was funny, but it was. Does that ever happen to you?
Oregon Gardens isn't in Portland, it's in Silverton, and it's gorgeous! As the audience trickled together and coalesced in the amphitheater, red sun was going down just over the tree-tops left of stage.
Opening band Throwback Surburbia took me by surprise. I was for sure digging the suit-and-tie vibe, but even the sharp cuts didn't prepare me for the hit they put out from note one.
Pat Benatar came on stage so unpretentiously. She wore the regal confidence of an icon with nothing left to prove. Rock and Roll royalty, lover at her side, the woman owned the stage, and I do mean owned it. Pipes! Chick can sing. It's not a thing of the past, not by any means.
I didn't know until I was on my way to Dawn's house that Pat's guitarist is also her husband of 28 years. Dude is an amazing player. I remarked to Dawn that lady-queen Pat was working the crowd from the beginning, but Neil "Spyder" had eyes for only her. He did notice us later on, after a while, but I'd say first 6 songs he might not have been aware we were there-- he was so all about her.
Concert-mates and backseat comedians Josh and Ami have been married 18 years. They laugh and joke with each other so easily, one suspects that love is growing deeper all the time with these two. They're like kids in love. It's disgustingly sweet to watch and reassuring to have witnessed. It gives me hope somewhere deep inside.
My favorite moment is about halfway through the show, Pat's loving on the crowd, Spyder's loving on Pat, Ami is up front at stage edge, loving on the whole scene, and Josh, sitting next to me says, "I like Pat and all, but my favorite thing is watching Ami have that much fun!"
That moment made my day, Josh. Hands down.
Dawn, thanks for taking me to see Pat and her lover. Thanks for introducing me to Ami and her lover. I'm glad I didn't have a camera. I'd rather remember this one the old-fashioned way.
Top of the morning, Beautiful
Honored to witness, Strender
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