After my unplanned sermon today, John renewed a standing invitation to tea and Clayton invited me to blueberry picking.
"Right now?"
"Yeah, right now!"
Ok, if you've never picked blueberries, there are some things you'll need to know. Muscles. You're gonna need them. This activity is not for the faint-hearted or weak-armed. You will need the musculature of a greek god to execute the delicate roll between thumb and finger that loosens the berry.
I don't know that you can taste a difference between Liberty berries and Aurora, but both types are out here. We gathered Aurora's.
Here are the spoils of the day. I arrived at home with berries for my freezer and finally sat down long enough to hear this message from Clayton, left on my voicemail last night:
"Hey buddy, I'm around this weekend Sunday and Monday, so call me up, let's do something...random is good"
Sounds fun! This reminds me I have to replenish my blueberries for breakfast tomorrow!