This blog is winding down. I'll make my final entry on my 40th birthday. Starting a new blog that day. I made some decisions and effected transitions toward accomplishing deep-seated goals, intentions that live with me on a cellular level.
Some of my idiosyncrasies and failings are now established without apology, others laid bare for repentance or forgiveness.
I set goals for who I'd be and what I'd accomplish by the time I turned 40. Some of them were unrealistic. Some I achieved; others I didn't even get close to.
Last week I told my employer that I will fulfill my promise to work at his company for the entirety of 2010. At our hiring conversation, I was asked what length of commitment I could make, seeing as my stated aspiration is a full-time pursuit of music. I promised a year. We are just past the halfway mark.
There is so much, so very very much to accomplish in the next 6 months. I have had roughly 32 years to contemplate the scope of this mission and I've realized that for me it is utterly impossible. Which is why I know it must be assigned from a higher place.
I was saying to Truth a month ago, "this is so big, I'll definitely need your help."
She replied, "all you need is Him."
Thank you to my readers on this blog. There will be a new blog launched on my birthday. I hope you will transition with me. It will be the chronicle of a leap from a cliff. I am going to jump. I may fall or I may fly, but what is sure is that I can no longer stand on this cliff.
I love you.
Good morning, Beautiful
Great day in the morning, Strender
Since we have only just recently meet, I just recently discovered this blog. But I must say, you have some very touching thoughts. I will be sure to transition with you so I can follow your journey.